Instructions on how to set up and use your new Mighty Armory Reloading Dies. Be sure to check out our additional video resources on our Videos Page and on the Mighty Armory Precision YouTube channel! If you have further questions, please contact Wayne at (401) 575-1288 or email We are happy to support you. Happy Loading!

Magnum & PUA Decapping Dies

How to set up and use your Magnum & PUA decapping die

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XMA & XMS Decapping Dies

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Super Duty Decapping Die

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Mighty Armory Sizing, Decapping die for reloading 6.5 Grendel ammunition

Gold Match Rifle Sizing Dies

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Pistol Flare Expander Dies

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Mighty Armory 223 Rem Flare Expander Reloading Die

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Pistol Bullet Seating Dies

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Mighty Armory Taper Crimp Steel Body Reloading Die for 40 S&W and 10mm

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Magnum Case Hold Down Dies

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How to set up and use your XMA & XMS Case Hold Down Die

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Super Duty Case Hold Down Dies

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Magnum Primer Pocket Swage

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Mighty Armory Rifle Trim Die for .223 Rem 5.56 NATO

Rifle Trim Dies

How to set up and use your Rifle Trim Die