Mighty Armory offers a wide range of precision CNC machined taper crimp dies to best fit your pistol cartridge needs. The Mighty Armory Taper Crimp Reloading die achieves tighter neck tension and tapers the cartridge case mouth back to SAAMI spec angle. Once the bullet is seated, the crimp will match spec sizing to provide consistent and uniform tension around the circumference of the bullet.

Prevent bullet setback, ensure reliable feeding, and maintain proper alignment and stability during firing.

The TNT Gold Match is machined from high-speed, heat-treated tool steel to 82 Rockwell and micro-polished for the best finish.

The TNT Carbide Taper Crimp Die is 100% full length carbide - no lube needed.

Pro Tip: For the Gold Match steel die, we recommend using PEG75 Lanolin mixed at 7 ounces of 99% alcohol and 1 ounce of PEG75

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Mighty Armory Reloading Dies are Machined for Precision, Concentricity and Consistency. Best Reloading Dies in the Industry Hands Down.