Mighty Armory's Gold Match Rifle sizing dies offer full length, concentric sizing to SAAMI spec with correct bullet tension. Full length sizing ensures safety, reliability, accuracy and ease of use when reloading.  The extended, full length size area helps to prevent under-sizing or over-sizing at the neck, shoulder and base of the case. Results will produce reloads with proper case pressure, cleaner burning powder, reliable chambering and extraction, absolute accuracy, and your brass will last longer.

Results will be better than factory sized loads.  

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  • Mighty Armory 300 Blackout Rifle Sizing, Decapping Die Mighty Armory GOLD MATCH 6mm ARC Full Length Sizing Decapping Die

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  • Mighty Armory Sizing, Decapping die for reloading 6.5 Grendel ammunition Mighty Armory GOLD MATCH 6mm Norma BR Full Length Sizing Decapping Die

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  • Mighty Armory 223 Remington Rifle Sizing & Decapping Die Mighty Armory 223 Rem, 556 Nato Rifle Sizing and Decapping Die

    Mighty Armory GOLD MATCH .223 Rem / 5.56 NATO Full Length Sizing Decapping Die

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Mighty Armory Reloading Dies are Machined for Precision, Concentricity and Consistency. Best Reloading Dies in the Industry Hands Down.