The Mighty Armory 9mm bullet seating die will seat bullet diameters .354, .355 and .356. In addition, the 9mm bullet seating die will cross over to seat bullets for the 38 super, and 38 super comp cartridges.
Mighty Armory’s bullet seating die is designed to capture the head of the bullet, hold it vertically and set the bullet into the case concentrically and smoothly to achieve accurate cartridge overall lengths (COLs).
Whether coated bullets, plated bullets, full metal jacket, hollow point, personal defense bullets and more, the Mighty Armory bullet seating die will perform unlike any other seating die you have seen or experienced.
The bullet barrel is precision machined steel. The bullet barrel design will eliminate case bulge, will prevent bullet scarring and will enhance the consistency and reliability for overall performance.
A bullet bore (rather than stem) is the barrel inside the die used to capture the bullet. The bore is designed to hold the bullet perfectly vertical. A seating die that uses a stem cannot possibly hold a bullet concentrically. Additionally, a bullet seating stem typically will scar the tip of the bullet. Whereas the Mighty Armory bullet seating bore will not scar, which in turn will increase the bullet coefficient while in flight. Less drag on the bullet means better performance and accuracy for you.
The Mighty Armory seating die is easy to set up and adjustable. Simply set your bullet on the flared case and turn the die down to achieve desired COL.
The bullet barrel design will also fold back the case flare 80% and will set the bullet tension pre-crimp. You will experience perfectly concentric SAAMI spec rounds with increased accuracy every time you load.
See, Feel and Shoot the Difference.
- "World's Toughest" Reloading Dies
- Precision Reloading Tools
- Made in the USA
Mighty Armory